Business Professionals of America (BPA) is pleased to offer a new, optional membership model for chapters. The new Affiliate Chapter Membership model includes the opportunity to participate in all competitive events, leadership, service-learning programs, and other year-round educational offerings that makes BPA the go-to Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) in your state.
The primary difference, which many schools will find advantageous, is how annual membership dues are calculated and paid. Local BPA chapters choosing to use the new Chapter Affiliate Membership option will be able to pay membership affiliation using funds from The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (commonly known as “Perkins V”), a federal investment in Career and Technical Education (CTE).
Instead of individuals paying dues, schools opting to use Perkins V funds for the Affiliate Membership will pay a tiered membership affiliation fee based on the total number of student members. Other CTSOs have adopted similar models over time.
As chapter affiliation is new to BPA and you this year, this approach creates a foundation for supplemental services that truly makes BPA intra-curricular to the CTE courses and programs you offer. Having CTSO chapter affiliation should be a must-have in your local needs assessment and submitted through your annual Perkins plan accordingly. BPA Chapter Advisors know the benefits of students belonging to BPA and the success they develop through BPA programs and services. Those soft and technical skill development opportunities should be a part of your local Perkins planning for next year and years to come.
We anticipate this will increase the number of students who have an opportunity to join a local chapter and take advantage of the diverse career and technical education and leadership opportunities available to BPA members. We encourage you to share information about the option of using Perkins V funds for BPA student affiliation with your local or area CTE administrator who manages those funds in your school. The Chapter Affiliate Membership Guide provides more details about the program. If you have questions about the Affiliate Membership option, please contact your State Advisor or National Center.
Download the Chapter Affiliation Guide.