Paige Arlen


Paige Arlen (Account Manager for Grainger)

  1. During which years were you an active member of BPA?
    2011 - 2015; I held several local chapter roles, served as the MN state historian, and the National Historian

  2. What was your most memorable moment or achievement during your time in BPA, and why does it stand out to you?
    My most memorable moment was campaigning and becoming a BPA National Officer! It was a lot of hard work but one of my proudest moments!

  3. Can you share your current profession and how your experience with BPA shaped your career path?
    I currently work for Grainger, as an account manager. I manage a territory in Massachusetts and work with manufacturing customers. BPA provided me with so many skills - from interviewing, public speaking, networking, and so much more! It's helped me get in my career where I am today!

  4. What advice or words of wisdom would you offer to current BPA members who are looking to make the most of their experience and prepare for their futures?
    The sky is the limit! Try something new - a new event, run for a leadership position, participate in torch awards, etc. BPA is just the starting point to help launch you into your future and all that it holds!