The BPA Branding Guide
There are many reasons a Brand Guide is critical to have in place. Most importantly, this guide will provide the foundation for consistent application of the Business Professionals of America brand across all media. Interface, web, collateral, and promotions will exhibit a consistent use of the Business Professionals of America brand.
Regularly expressing the Business Professionals of America visual identity builds strong brand awareness, allowing our organization to maintain its position as a leader among Career and Technical Student Organizations. A consistent and robust brand helps clarify what our organization stands for, allowing us to communicate our purpose, personality, and promise better. Additionally, it will enable us to have continuity.
We recognize many states use the Business Professionals of America logo. We intend to ensure that the use is consistent and cohesive. Brand guidelines are about providing our organization with the tools to keep the Business Professionals of America brand steady and are not just about setting rules.
With brand guidelines in place, BPA can ensure our brand’s elements are used effectively and professionally at all times. We can build a strong and recognizable brand when everyone uses the components consistently and correctly. The intent of the Brand Guide puts policies in place, not to limit creativity, but to keep our brand identity consistent and recognizable.

Get The Brand Guide
The Brand Guide includes more than just a color palette and versions of our logo. It contains specific guidance, standards, and uses for the brand and logo elements.
(Updated 8-10-2020)Brand Guide FAQsAcceptable Use Policy
Origins of Our Name

The field for which we prepare our students; emphasizes that we educate our members to work efficiently, not only in an office setting, but also in a wide variety of business situations.
Our students indicate they join BPA to take advantage of a wide variety of professional development opportunities.
(of) America
Symbolizes pride in our country and its free enterprise business system.
Our Emblem
Ambition. Leadership. Sociability. Poise.
The four points of the BPA shield stand for Ambition, Leadership, Sociability, and Poise. The shield itself stands for honor and dignity and the importance of business in America. The stripes represent education, citizenship, loyalty, patriotism, competency, and dependability. The bar represents the service provided by employees in business occupations. The quill and inkwell represent the stability of business occupations through the ages, and the torch represents worthy goals.

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Have Questions?
Need some quick answers? We've put together some answers to our most commonly asked questions. If you still need some guidance, please use our contact form to reach out to our staff.