Torch Awards

Personal growth and development for our members

Torch Awards

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Personal growth and development for our members

Promoting Professionalism and Leadership

The Business Professionals of America Torch Awards Program is designed to promote professionalism and leadership in both career development and personal growth.

Students complete activities in the seven Torch categories: Leadership; Service; Cooperation; Knowledge; Friendship; Love, Hope, Faith; and Citizenship - then log their activities in an online Torch Résumé.

Each activity is worth 5, 10, 15, or 20 points. When a student achieves a certain number of points for each category, their advisor or local reviewer can submit the résumé online to be reviewed for recognition. All students completing a satisfactory résumé will earn either an Executive, Diplomat, Statesman or Ambassador Torch Award certificate.

How to Earn Points

Get Recognized

There are four levels of recognition:

Executive Torch Award
Given at the local chapter level, the Executive Torch Award requires 10 points in each Torch category. An Executive is defined as "a person having administrative or managerial authority in an organization."

Diplomat Torch Award
Depending on your state, this award might be awarded at the local, regional or state level. The Diplomat Torch Award requires 30 points in each Torch category. A Diplomat is defined as "one skilled with tact in dealing with people."

Statesman Torch Award
Given at the state level, the Statesman Torch Award requires 50 points in each Torch category. A Statesman is defined as "one who is a leader in the promotion of the public good and in national affairs."

Ambassador Torch Award
Given at the national level, the Ambassador Torch Award requires 70 points in each Torch Category. An Ambassador is defined as "a diplomatic official of the highest rank appointed and accredited as a representative of the organization."

Point Distribution


Organization Level Points Required in Each Category Submission Deadline Recognition
Executive Local Chapter 10 varies Pin and certificate
Diplomat Varies by State 30 varies Pin and certificate
Statesman State 50 varies Pin and certificate (otherwise varies by state)
Ambassador National 70 March 14, 2025 Pin and certificate, Recognition at NLC

A student who earns an award through the Business Professionals of America Torch Awards Program will be presented with a certificate and pin commemorating their achievement. Students receiving the Ambassador Torch Award will receive their pin and certificate at the National Leadership Conference. Most importantly, though, a student participating in the Torch Awards Program builds a rich catalog of service and leadership experience to be proud of.

Résumés must be submitted by the appropriate deadline to be eligible for awards. Once a résumé is submitted, regional/state/national administrators can evaluate the résumé and either approve or reject the résumé. If approved, the student has earned the award and no further action is required. If rejected, then the résumé can no longer be considered for that specific award level. However, an advisor and student can work on the résumé further and submit it for consideration at one of the other award levels, as long as the appropriate deadline has not passed.

The Torch Awards Program is open to all BPA members in the Middle Level, Secondary, and Post-secondary Divisions.

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