An alumni member may be part of an organized local or state association where members get together frequently for planned and structured activities. Or, the member may be the only one in an area; in which case, it will be up to the member to determine the level of involvement and participation. Alumni can become as involved on any level (local, state or national) as he or she desires. Here are suggestions of ways members can get involved.
National Leadership Conference
1. Seminars and Workshops
Alumni members are encouraged to participate as seminar or workshop facilitators and present on topics within their area of expertise.
2. Social and Networking Activities
Alumni consistently look for unique social and networking activities to participate in. Examples of activities include meet and greets, visiting popular points of interest, and other forms of entertainment that offer members a chance to network get to know one other.
3. Competitive Events
Alumni are encouraged to volunteer as event proctors, graders, administrators and/or judges during state and national conferences.
4. Registration and Tours
Alumni can provide much needed assistance with the conference registration process or offer assistance to the Tour Desk by helping organize buses, registration for tours and other logistics.
5. National Alumni Annual Business Meeting
The annual business meeting for the National Alumni Division is held annually in conjunction with the BPA National Leadership Conference. This meeting offers an opportunity to discuss the effort of the National BPA Alumni Division over the past year and address ways to increase involvement and awareness for the upcoming year.
State and Local Level Activities
1. State Conferences
Members of the Alumni Division attending state conferences are encouraged to become involved as participants and/or volunteers. Opportunities must be coordinated directly with the Business Professionals of America State Advisor. Some activities to consider include leading seminars and workshops; assisting in registration; proctoring, judging, or administrating competitive events; chaperoning events and more!
2. Assistance to Chapter Advisors
Chapter advisors often appreciate the offer of assistance from Alumni members. New advisors find it especially helpful to rely on Alumni members to aid them in:
- Coordinating the activities of the local chapter
- Assisting with committees
- Forming a Business Professionals of America advisory committee
- Sponsoring or chaperoning a field trip or conference trip
- Serving as judges in local competitive events
- Helping students prepare for competitive events
- Participating in the student Special Olympics project
- Serve as a guest speakers at regular meetings, banquets and regional meetings
- Present talks and workshops on career development and related topics. Topics may include committee effectiveness, officer leadership training, how to apply for a job, preparing for an interview, preparing for the workforce or preparing for competitive events.
Benefits of Staying Involved with BPA
- Opportunities for travel
- Participate in conferences at local, state, and national level
- Experience personal and professional growth
- Networking opportunities
- Serving as mentors to student members
- Sharing expertise and knowledge to student members
- Giving back to the organization