Pictured Above: Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Cedric Bandoh (right), meets with Dr. Emilio Hernandez (left), Puerto Rico Secretary of Education, and Karilis Collazo (middle), BPA Student President - University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Campus.
You Can Help Promote BPA
Become a positive change agent and bridge the connection between Business Professionals of America and government officials.
Advocacy is important to Business Professionals of America for many reasons. Building strong relationships with elected officials and other key decision-makers is important to the work of our organization and helps assure our members’ success.
From receiving federal funding to being a fundamental part of Career and Technical Education, it is vital that we promote our organization, the opportunities we offer and continuously prove that CTE and BPA are necessary in shaping the next generation of business professionals and leaders.
Additionally, advocacy grants the opportunity for our members to share their story about how BPA has made an impact in their lives and allows legislators to create a focus especially when approximately 6,500 bills are considered each day.
Although advocacy in action involves reaching out to government officials, legislators and decision-makers in an effort to educate and inform them about issues you are passionate about, it is also incredibly diverse and can include being active and vocal on social media.

Pictured Above: Texas Association State Officers in Austin, TX advocating for CTSOs
How can you advocate for BPA?
- Reach Out
- Visit local offices
- Make phone calls
- Send emails/letters
- Invite local officials to your BPA meetings, conferences or other chapter related events
- Send a monthly report/update
- Remain vocal on social media
Check out our BPA Advocacy Webinar to get more information about you can help promote Business Professionals of America.
Download Additional Resources:
- National BPA Advocacy Campaign
- National BPA Advocacy Checklist
- How to Call and Elected Official
- Contacting Your Elected Officials
- How a Bill Becomes a Law
- BPA Membership By The Numbers Infographic
Our friends at the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) have graciously agreed to allow us to share some of their resources on our website. Please click on the links below to learn more:
Perkins V Information and Resources
The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act which amended the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) was signed into law on July 31, 2018. The amended Act, now Perkins V, brings changes to the $1.2 billion annual federal investment in career and technical education (CTE). The U.S. Department of Education is looking forward to working with states to implement the new legislation which goes into effect on July 1, 2019 and provides new opportunities to improve CTE and enables more flexibility for states to meet the unique needs of their learners, educators, and employers.
How to Conduct a Meeting with Elected Officals
Building strong relationships with elected officials and other key decision makers is key to our work and assures our students success. Meeting with a decision maker and letting them know what policies are important to you, your school and your community is an important step in building a positive, productive relationship.

Need to talk to us?
Our staff is here to help you and answer any questions you may have. Use our form to send us a quick message and someone will get back to you shortly.