Regional Advisor Agreement Form

Organizational Code of Ethics

Our student organization is an integral part of the instructional program. This organization emphasizes respect for the dignity of work and high standards of workmanship, scholarship and ethics. Professionalism is to follow the Code of Ethics, as well as the respective local school behavior policies.

This Code of Ethics states: “Each individual assumes a number of obligations, one of which defines professional conduct. This Code of Conduct is an extension of the classroom situation. A professional code of conduct is required as would be proper for the classroom. This means that during Business Professionals of America functions, individuals are responsible for maintaining a high professional standard of conduct.” (See Delegate Conduct Practices and Procedures for suggested guidelines.)

Regional Advisor Conduct Practices and Procedures

As a serving Regional Advisor, I agree to do the following:
  1. Attend all possible regular Regional Advisor Committee meetings and special meetings as may be required. Regional Advisor meetings are scheduled in September to be held in conjunction with the State Board of Directors and State Officer meeting.
  2. Maintain the confidence of all Regional Advisory Committee members and the Association.
  3. Key Responsibilities:
    1. Coordinate, facilitate, duplicate, prepare and distribute all material needed to provide an appropriate, fair, consistent and competitive Regional Leadership Conference;
    2. Maintain communication by forwarding emails to your region within 48 hours and by adding State Advisor and Regional Advisory Chair (RA Chair) to emailing list and copy them on all correspondence with Region;
    3. Maintain the regional financial records and monies
    4. Pay for Regional President uniform expenses as outlined in Officer Handbook from the Regional Account
    5. Pay for Leadership Camp fees for Regional President whether in attendance or not, from the Regional account
    6. Attend September meeting, expenses will be covered on a per diem of two (2) per room or ½ the single rate, travel and meals from your Regional Account if your district does not cover these expenses;
    7. Submit financial documents to the RA Chair at the September Meeting each year.
  4. Offer suggestions on possible Association programs or operational improvements.
  5. Positively promote Business Professionals of America in the business and educational communities.
  6. Exemplify professionalism and serve as a role model for students.
  7. Refrain from consumption of alcohol during Business Professionals of America related functions and activities.
  8. Wear Business Professionals of America approved attire when attending general sessions, competitive events, scheduled meetings, workshops, mini-sessions, tours, meal functions, and entertainment functions.
  9. Services on-site and off-site when pertaining to the organization, activities should be solely in the interest of Business Professionals of America and not for personal financial interest or gain.
  10. The Texas Board of Directors reserves the right to remove an RA from their position at any time with or without notice.
I understand the expectations required of the position of Secondary Regional Advisor of Business Professionals of America, Texas Association, as stated above, agree to fulfill these responsibilities and will abide by the policies and procedures stated in the Business Professionals of America, Texas Association Policies & Procedures Handbook. All documents and materials generated in my role as Secondary Advisory Committee Chair, either on paper or electronically produced, are property of Business Professionals of America, Texas Association, and I will follow established procedures for passing this information to my successor at the end of my term.