Want to do more?

Looking to volunteer and serve? We need volunteers at all levels and there are plenty of ways you can assist and contribute.

Looking to mentor or judge? Local chapters are always looking to connect with local professionals and judges are always needed locally, at the state level and even nationally. No experience is necessary and we are excited to share our projects and programs with you.

Looking for information on starting a chapter at your school? We are happy to assist you with setting up a chapter at your school. Business Professionals of America is a recognized CTSO in Texas and we are proud to provide our advisors with resources and support as they work with their students.

Would you like to participate as a sponsor or exhibitor at our conference? As a recognized CTSO and non-profit 501c3 organization, your donations and contributions are tax deductible and benefit students of all backgrounds across Texas BPA. Sponsorships will help with scholarships, student incentives, student giveaways, providing materials and other things that we can do to make their experience a positive learning environment as they grow in confidence and leadership.

Wanting information about joining the Virtual Texas Chapter? We offer this option for students who do not have a chapter at their school or for students who are home schooled or need a virtual chapter option. We provide alternative ways for you to participate and grow in leadership.

We have opportunities for middle school, high school, students and alumni. We even have an Associate Division especially designed for students of Special Populations to support them for greater opportunities  of success.

It's all just a click away...

Email Texas State Advisor, Diana Weber @ mrsweberbpa@gmail.com for more information on how you can grow in your BPA journey.


Judges and Volunteers Are Always Needed

Be a Judge!

We will be in Corpus Christi, Texas this year for the 2024 State Leadership Conference. Mark your calendars to assist us as judges February 28-March 2. If you'd like more information, please contact our Judges Coordinator, Sharon Shuler at shuler.sharon@gmail.com.

The 2024 National Leadership Conference will be in Chicago, Illinois, May 10-14. Details about how you can judge will be shared here. If you are interested in assisting us or if you have contacts in the Chicago area that can assist us with finding judges, please contact Jonathan Smith at jsmith@bpa.org.

Thank you for supporting our students and assisting as judges. Prepare to be dazzled!

Need to Get in Touch with Us?