Board of Directors
Creating Connections for Our Members
Texas BPA is proud to have a dynamic group of individuals serving as our Texas Board of Directors. These individuals are instrumental in obtaining additional financial support for the organization as well as assisting with management issues. The Board seeks to provide increased opportunities for Texas BPA members, ensure that conferences are conducted fairly and work diligently to uphold the purposes of Business Professionals of America.
Connections with business and industry are extremely crucial to the success of our program and services. We rely on representatives from many companies to provide financial support, arrange volunteer support, offer employment opportunities, and supply certification advice/credibility, management expertise and much more. Without the support of many companies, our organization would not be as strong as it is currently.
Board Officers
Brandon Crowson
Board Secretary
Business Representative - International Bank of Commerce (IBC Bank)
Board Term: 2024-2027
Julie Barker
Board Treasurer
Area 1 Board Representative - Dallas Area
Term: 2022-2025
Secondary Regional Advisory Chair
Term: 2024-2025
Board Officers
Brooke Martin
Board Treasurer - Middle Level Representative Board Term: Appointed
Middle Level Board Representative
Jack Hedrick-Lightfoot
Business Representative Board Term: 2022-2025 Dobyns Patterson Learning
Business Representative
Debbie Wieland
Business Representative Board Term: 2023-2026 Texas Hotel & Lodging Association
Kalwenda Lott
Middle Level Representative Board Term: Appointed
Middle Level Board Representative
Varsha Namboodiri
Student Board Representative Board Term: 2023-2024
Student Board Representative
Pablo Alvarez
Student Board Representative In Training Board Term: 2023-2024
Student Board Representative In Training