Join the Texas BPA Team

Come work with us! Texas BPA has positions open on their Texas Board of Directors. Our rotating Area positions on the Texas Board of Directors have Area 1, 3 and 5 positions open for this year. To serve as an Area Representative on the Board, you must be an advisor in one of those respective areas so that you can represent the views of those advisors and students on the Board. These positions are for a three year renewable term. We look forward to your applications. Voting will be done by area and representatives will be selected by advisors by ballot.

We are also seeking a Business Representative on our Texas Board. We are looking for someone who can support the goals of our organization, assist with networking and business connections and provide insight on business and industry trends to ensure that our decisions are in the best interest of our students moving forward. If you are interested in applying or know someone who might be willing to support Texas BPA in this position, please consider joining us.

Texas BPA cannot function without the support of our contracted services. We have an excellent group of contracted services personnel working with us at Texas BPA that keep everything running smoothly behind the scenes. In order to remain competitive and ensure the best service, we are posting these positions for proposals at this time. If you are interested in serving either in our Financial Services position or as our Convention and Meeting Planning Services position, please review the requirements and submit your proposals.

To take advantage of these opportunities to work with Texas BPA, visit the Opportunities tab at