Design Challenges

Ohio Trading Pins Design Contest

One of the highlights of the National Leadership Conference is trading pins with the other states and countries. We are proud that our students design our trading pins each year. The top two pin designs will be distributed to our Ohio members at NLC to be used for trading. Top winners will each be recognized at State Leadership Conference, receive a certificate, and $75 will be awarded to the chapter.  

Designs Due: November 1, 2024


2024-2025 BPA Pin Design Requirements

24-25 Winning Designs:


Nicole N. - Cuyahoga Valley Career Center                         Lillian H. - Delaware Area Career Center


Ohio BPA T-Shirt Design Contest

To design the logo for the State Leadership Conference Special Event t-shirt. The winning design will be printed on the Special Event t-shirts given to SLC conference attendees. The winner will be recognized at State Leadership Conference, receive a certificate, and $75 will be awarded to the chapter.  

Designs Due: November 1, 2024

2024-2025 BPA T-Shirt Design Requirements

24-25 Winning Design:

Elizabeth T. - Sylvania Northview High School





2022-2023 Winning Shirt and Pin Designs





2021-2022 Winning Shirt and Pin Designs


2020-2021 Winning Shirt and Pin Designs





About Ohio BPA Chapter

Business Professionals of America (BPA) is a national, cocurricular, career/technical organization for students in middle school, high school, and college business and technology programs.

Through BPA, students compete at the regional, state, and national levels in more than 50 Workplace Skills Assessment Program events, engage in community and leadership service activities, and meet business students across the state and country through participation in our programs.


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