How can I help Ohio BPA?
Business Professionals of America is always looking for passionate and committed individuals, who want to make a difference in the lives of students. Volunteering with the Ohio Association of BPA offers that opportunity!
With the help of more than 200 judges and volunteers, the next generation of business professionals will be inspired to discover their purpose and change the world. Business Professionals of America offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities from judging competitive events to providing assistance during local, regional, state and national events. There is always something happening, and volunteer involvement is critical to the success of those events.
Ways to Help Ohio Students and Members
State Officer Screening | February
Business Professionals of America, Ohio Association shall elect quality officers to provide leadership and guidance to the organization. An officer’s duties can be placed in three general categories: to motivate members to achieve their highest potential; to promote the organization and act as a goodwill ambassador for career-technical education; and to give direction to the work of the organization. As an interviewee, volunteers will screen high schools students for an opportunity to run as an Ohio Association State Officer candidate at the State Leadership Conference in March.
State Leadership Conference Competitive Events Judge | March 7, 2024
Each year, students compete at regional and state level events to demonstrate skills in over ninety competitive different areas of business. The winners of the state-level Workplace Skills Assessment Program advance to compete at the National Leadership Conference.
Community professionals are needed to judge student presentations and projects in the areas of Finance, Business Administration, Management Information Systems/Information Technology, Marketing and Communications, Management and Digital Communication and Design.
Judging at a conference is an exciting, rewarding opportunity to mentor truly outstanding young people, and provides students with realistic expectations of the business world. Sign up HERE.
8:30am | Judges Welcome and Breakfast |
9:30am | Report to Competition Room |
10:00am | Competitions Begin |
1:00pm | Lunch Break |
1:30pm | Competitions Resume |
5:30pm | Competitions Conclude |
State Leadership Conference Sponsor | March 7-8th, 2024, Hyatt Regency Columbus and Greater Columbus Convention Center
Sponsoring Business Professionals of America, Ohio Association helps deliver engaging and enriching programs to Ohio students! Sponsorship dollars go towards:
- The implementation of leadership programming, including workshops and webinars
- The facilitation of the state-level competitive events conference
- Recruitment and recognition of student members
- Recruitment and recognition of career-technical educators
There are various levels of sponsorship available, offering numerous benefits with each. All BPA sponsorship packages offer year-round promotion and recognition through online resources, as well as direct access to students and advisors during the State Leadership Conference. In addition to year-round sponsorship packages, BPA also offers a la cart sponsorship opportunities on a first come first serve basis for the State Leadership Conference. From networking events and workshop sessions, to merchandise branding and student competitions, consider customizing a package to best fit your needs and interest.
2024 Sponsorship and Exhibitor Packet - Being uploaded soon.