About BPA

Mission Statement

Our mission is to contribute to the preparation of global professionals through the advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills.

Vision Statement

To be an innovator in Career and Technical Education, providing our members with opportunities for growth through education, competition, community service, and personal development.


The purposes of this organization are:

  • To provide opportunities for chapter members in leadership and development.

  • To unite in a common professional bond without regard to race, creed, sex or national origin of students enrolled in classes with business employment as their objective.

  • To develop leadership abilities through participation in career and technical education, civic, recreational, and social activities. To assist students in establishing realistic employment objectives.

  • To create enthusiasm for learning.

  • To promote high standards in ethics, workmanship, and scholarship.

  • To develop the ability of students to plan together, organize, and carry out worthy activities and projects through the use of the democratic processes.

  • To foster an understanding of the functions of labor, entrepreneurial, and management organizations in the American free enterprise system.

  • To develop competent, assertive leaders in business education.

  • To develop and strengthen members’ confidence in themselves and their work.

  • To provide satisfactory social and recreational activities.

  • To foster practical application of business education skills through competition.


Membership Divisions 

  • Secondary/Associate - For high school students enrolled in initial, refresher, or upgrading business, career technical, and career or related education programs. Associate Member Designation for high school students enrolled in initial, refresher, or upgrading business, career technical, and career or related education programs for special populations.

  • Middle Level - For middle school students enrolled in initial, refresher, or upgrading business, career technical, and career or related education programs.

  • College/Post-secondary - For post-secondary (one-year, two-year, baccalaureate, or post-baccalaureate) students enrolled in initial, refresher, or upgrading business, career technical, business education and career or related education programs.


Ohio BPA - Map of Schools by Region

Last updated November 2024