National Virtual Events Sign-Up Form

NVC Virtual Events Sign-Up Form

  • You must complete this form no later than December 1, 2024.
  • Payments for National Virtual Events are due no later than December 15, 2024.

  • You must be a student member in the Middle Level, Secondary or Post-secondary Division.
  • Your annual membership dues must be paid in full prior to submitting this form.

National Virtual Chapter Virtual Events Sign-Up Form

Select the National virtual Events that you would like to participate in:*
You may compete in as many events as you would like. National virtual Events are open to all (ML | S | PS) members.

All TEAM Events are designated by the word "Team" in name of the event.

Individual Events = $10.00 per event.
Team Events = $20.00 per team / per event (2-4 members)
Esports Team = $50.00 per team (2-3 members)

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