Advisor Resources
Student Resources
Advisors will login to enter members by going to This is where you will enter your membership information and create your invoice for dues.
This also has a link for you to request a new chapter.
A Letter to the Student
We are pleased that you are considering becoming a Regional President. Being an officer requires leadership skills, maturity, commitment, and a powerful desire to further the goals of our organization. We hope you are up to the task!
Please read carefully through this handbook and follow all directions. This handbook only serves as a guide and provides you with the forms that will be required by the State Officer Coordinator if you are elected to represent your region. We strongly recommend that you review the necessary guidelines with your chapter advisor so that they will be well informed about the process in which you will be participating. Click HERE to download the Area 2 Region 3 Regional President Application Packet.
In the application you will find several forms that you will need to fill out with your personal information and have signed by your parents, advisor and school administrator. If you are elected, this information will be handed over to the State Officer Coordinator.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Regional Advisor David Ibarra at
We assure you that the elected Regional Presidents will have a year filled with challenging work, personal growth and lots of fun. If you choose to run, we know it will be an experience you will never forget.
Submit your completed application to the Regional Advisor, David Ibarra at by 6:00 p.m. on Friday, December 22, 2023 as well as the Officer Elections Committee via the Officer Candidate Packet Submission Form located at the bottom of the Running for Officer page on the Texas BPA website at the following web address
Good luck!
The Officer Elections Committee
Thank you for your interest in applying for the Area 2 Region 3 BPA Scholarship! The purpose of the Area 2 Region 3 BPA Scholarship Program is to provide financial assistance to the most capable and deserving members in our area wishing to pursue post-secondary education in preparation for a career in the business industry. CLICK HERE to download your applications.
The selection of candidates is done on a competitive basis. The criteria used in selecting scholarship recipients will include:
- Academic achievement
- Number of business courses or related instruction
- BPA membership (participation and achievement)
- Personal Statement & Advisor Statement
- Technical Merit
Submit the completed application to the Regional Advisor David Ibarra at by 6:00 p.m. on Friday, December 22, 2023.
You can download the Workplace Skills Assessment Program guide (WSAP) that contains the competitive events guidelines and topics for this year by logging in to the BPA Member Gateway Topics for the 2023-24 school year will be posted September 1.
You can also download items like the