2024-25 State Executive Officers

Sanvi Maganti
Waubonsie Valley High School

Diya Shah
Glenbrook South High School
VP of Special Recognition

Advika Prasad
Neuqua Valley High School
VP of Torch Awards

Sahil Shah
Hinsdale Central High School
VP of State Projects

Aarushi Ranjan
Waubonsie Valley High School
VP of State Newsletter
Aarushi is a four-year BPA member who has attended both SLC and NLC and is currently a senior at Waubonsie Valley. She serves as one of the Waubonsie Valley BPA Co-Presidents and as the Vice President of the State Newsletter for the IL BPA State Officer Team. Outside of BPA, she is also part of Waubonsie Valley's varsity show choir, Sound Check. Her passions include spending time with friends, watching movies and shows, traveling, and listening to music.

Betty Polyakov
Glenbrook South High School

Aditi Labade
Neuqua Valley High School
Aditi has been a BPA member since her freshman year and has placed at both SLC and NLC. She is currently a junior at Neuqua Valley High School and serves on the IL State Officer Team as the Treasurer and Co-President at her school’s chapter. Outside of school, she has been learning music for the past 10 years and loves singing, songwriting, and playing the guitar. Her passions include music, spending time with her family and friends, and traveling.